Sunday, October 18, 2015

Let us live

I have a headache & thats how I know I am alive. 
It didn't come from lack of caffeine or food, or even  lack of sleep. 
The headache came from heartache to loud for words. 

I know i'm alive because I yearn for a place to call home.
Because "home" has a different definition now that i am older & I am alive. 
Sometimes I am afraid home just isn't for me. 

I am alive & I have the heartbeat to prove it. 
I have the stories & the battle scars, I wish would go away.

I am alive, we are alive, so please
let us live.  


  1. "now that i am older & I am alive."

    love this line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. "sometimes i am afraid home just isn't for me"

    ok well that line was crazy good and this whole post i love

  3. Great opening line
