Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thank you

I get nervous to introduce myself to people. 
Not because I'm scared of them, but because most people don't understand what I'm saying. 
To those who know me, thank you.
Ive never been good at pronouncing my name, but I never hesitate to say it.  
To those who know my name, thank you. 
Ive never been creative but I've always had a lot to say.
  To those who listened, thank you. 
I get scared to share my poems in front of the class, but sometimes I do it anyways.
To those who enjoyed my poems, thank you.
I'm always late to class, there is just something about crowded hallways that makes me uneasy. 
To Nelson, thanks for never marking me absent.
Ive never been to paris, but Ive seen bravery in its citizens.
To those who wrote from their heart, thank you. 
I always get more confidence on my writing when someone comments.
To those who commented, thank you.
To those who even glanced at my blog, thank you.
I hope you will return. 

Malia Helbling


  1. you are so pretty and kind and amazing. I love your blog. so good to see who it is behind this amazing blog.

  2. aweeee malia i love you and this was perfect

  3. Mal your blog was one of my favs. Love you

  4. "Ive never been good at pronouncing my name, but I never hesitate to say it. " love this

  5. you're an incredible writer, and you've always been so so real.
    love your blog.

  6. you're blog has been one of the greats! i was pulling for you to get in the top 5 every week! great job malia!

  7. I have absolutely loved every one of your posts! Thank you.

  8. Malia! I loved your blog! You are a fantastic writer. I kept waiting to see who Bitter Gold was and I now I know! I'm glad that we know each other even if we don't talk a whole lot. Nice to officially meet you :)

  9. "Ive never been to paris, but Ive seen bravery in its citizens."

    You're talented malia

    Thank YOU

  10. This is such a great reveal!! Nice to meet you Malia

  11. Malia!! Your blog has always been one of my favorites to read! You are absolutely amazing and I loved the way you revealed!!

  12. I suck at taking roll.

  13. Malia,
    you've read some stuff in class before and it was amazing.

    so was this reveal
    and so is your writing.

    so thank you.

  14. I wanted to quote a line but couldn't choose out of like ten.

    When you share at the slams it makes the room go quiet in the best way.

  15. this is incredible and you are incredible and i have loved getting to know you.

  16. malia you're the best. your blog is perfect, and so are you.
